Competitive Programming Essentials, Master Algorithms 2022

Competitive Programming Essentials, Master Algorithms 2022

Requirements Description Equip yourself with essential programming techniques required for ACM-ICPC, Google CodeJam, Kickstart, Facebook HackerCup & more. Welcome to Competitive Programming Essentials – the ultimate specialisation on Algorithms for Competitive Coders! The online Competitive Programming Essentials by Coding Minutes is a highly exhaustive & rigorous course on Competitive Programming. The 50+ hours course covers the breadth & depth of algorithmic programming starting … Read more

Event-Driven Microservices, CQRS, SAGA, Axon, Spring Boot

Learn to build distributed Event-driven Microservices, CQRS, Event Sourcing, SAGA, Transactions What you’ll learn Event-Driven Microservices Basics of Spring Cloud Axon Framework Eureka Discovery Service CQRS Design Pattern Spring Cloud API Gateway SAGA Design Pattern Event Based Messages Transactions Requirements Java Description In this video course, you will learn how to build business logic that … Read more

Developing a Multithreaded Kernel From Scratch!

Build a multitasking operating system and kernel with an interactive shell! What you’ll learn How to create a kernel from scratch How to create a multi-tasking kernel How to handle malicious or problematic programs in your operating system. Terminating them if they misbehave. How memory works in computers The difference between kernel land, user land … Read more

Autonomous Cars: Deep Learning And Computer Vision In Python

Learn OpenCV, Keras, object and lane detection, and traffic sign classification for self-driving cars What you’ll learn Automatically detect lane markings in images Detect cars and pedestrians using a trained classifier and with SVM Classify traffic signs using Convolutional Neural Networks Identify other vehicles in images using template matching Build deep neural networks with Tensorflow … Read more